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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I remove my shoulder sling and put it back on?


How do I remove my knee brace and put it back on?


How do I stay clean if I am not taking a shower?

One option is disposable washing cloths (click text for link)


What are my post-operative clothing options?

Shirt with Magnet Closure (Click text for link)

Shirt with Velcro Closure (Click text for link)

Button Up Shirt (Click text for link)


If I am having a hard time getting my knee extension (straightening your leg) back after surgery what can I do at home to get my motion back?

Elite seat (Click text for link)

Ideal stretch  knee extension device (Click text for link)

Joint Active System (JAS) brace (Click text for link)


Are there any other options for crutches rather than the ones distributed at the hospital/orthopedic clinic?

More comfortable crutches (Click text for link)


Are there special crutches for tall people?

Tall crutches (Click text for link)



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